Statement of Social Responsibility

U.S. Postal Service Federal Credit Union is committed at all times to conducting our business in a responsible and sustainable way. It is integral to the way that we do business. Caring about individual members and their happiness is more than just focusing on their financial lives. We believe an individual’s happiness derives from their wider life within their community and the environment that they live in.

We are committed to behaving in a way that is beneficial to all members, our environment, and the wider community. The following statements reflect our commitments and social responsibilities.

We see value in the donation of time, money and resources to local charities and organizations. Strengthening our ties with local communities improves the daily lives of our members, their families, and neighbors.

These are just some of the things we do and support:

Credit Union Cherry Blossom Run

Raising funds for Children’s Miracle Network – This event began in 1973 and has raised over $13,500,000 for the families of CMN.

USPS Postal Customer Councils

…and strengthen the working relationship between the USPS and its customers.

Volunteering our Expertise and Resources

We are committed to volunteering expertise and resources to other credit union organizations to ensure their continued support of their local communities. Our leadership team volunteers their personal time to serve as board members for other member based non-profit/not-for-profit organizations such as:

National Council of Postal Credit Unions

Credit Union Mortgage Association

Our Reputation is Important to Us

Our reputation is important to us and to help protect this, we won’t knowingly do business with any organization that doesn’t share our commitment to serving members fairly and ethically. Our approach to procurement is based on the principles of competitive tendering and dealing with suppliers in a fair and open manner.

Social responsibility does not stop on our own doorstep. The global environment is now more than ever under threat and we recognize that conservation and the redress of our impact on the environment through our ongoing business practices is crucial for all. We fully recognize our duty of care for the environment and assess the environmental impact of our activities to ensure the reduction and possible prevention of adverse effects.

We encourage members to do the same by offering special discounts on hybrid and electric vehicles, hosting community shred days (all shredded documents are recycled) so members can reduce their environmental impact as well.

We will comply with all legal requirements in areas where we carry out our activities to prevent damage to the environment.

We will ensure that wherever we are operating and whatever our activities, we do everything possible to:

Prevent pollution of the environment

Minimize the use of energy

Conserve natural resources and reduce waste

U.S. Postal Service Federal Credit Union will provide, as far as is reasonably practicable, adequate resources to meet our commitments to minimize the effects our business has on the environment and to promote a positive attitude to environmental issues.